Residence Permit and Visa

Planning to study abroad in Budapest, Hungary? Here’s what you need to know about applying for a D-type visa and residence permit!

D-type visa for Hungary 

Do I need a visa for studying in Hungary?

Citizens of the following countries do not require a visa upon entering Hungary

  1. citizens of the member states of the European Union 
  2. citizens of the states that are taking part in theAgreement on the European Economic Area (Switzerland,Norway,Iceland,andLiechtenstein)
  3. citizens of other countries that are granted with visa free entry to Hungary (the full list of these countries:

Citizens of other countries excluded from the groups above do require visa upon entering Hungary:

  1. these citizens must have a valid d-type visa to study in Hungary. We highly recommend all applicants to study carefully the current legislation concerning the visa and the residence permit at the Hungarian Embassy or Consulate in their home country. 

METU’s visa assistance package

At METU, we are committed to assist our applicants in solving all problems they might encounter before their arrival. 

As part of our Visa Assistance Package, our team provides assistance for students requiring a visa in preparing all documents and going through this application process successfully.

You can request assistance on our online application site after successfully passing the online interview. Find out more about our application process here.

Residence permit for the purpose of studies

All FULL-TIME students studying at Budapest Metropolitan University must apply fo rand have a residence permit.

Students coming from a region that requires a visa upon entering Hungarymust apply for a D-type visa and a residence permit for the purpose of studies simultaneously at the accredited Hungarian Embassy/Consulate. These students need to collecttheirresidencepermitwithin30daysof theirarrival. 

Students coming from visa free country may enter Hungary with their valid ID card/passport, and they must start the residence permit process on the EnterHungary website within their first 90 days of their stay in Hungary.

Health insurance

All full-time students must have a valid health insurance during their studies in Hungary, which is also needed to get and renew your Residence Permit.

We would like to emphasize that all applicants coming from a region that requires a visa upon entering Hungary must insure themselves prior to applying for a visa. We strongly advise to apply for Medicover's Health Insurance, offered by METU before coming to Hungary, since it is widely recognized and accepted. You can find out more about the university’s health insurance by clicking here.

Useful links

  1. Consular Service site of Hungary
  2. More information on Residence Permit for the Purpose of Study
  3. EnterHungary website for citizens of visa free countries
  4. Usage Manual for the EnterHungary website
  5. List of visa free countries

Download necessary documents here:

  1. Form - Studies or student mobility
  2. Form - Application for Residence Permit 
  3. Notification of accommodation
  4. FAQ

Contact us

Need help? Our International Admission Office is here to help you!

  2.  +36 1 766 5397