Nagy Lajos Király Street Campus
Central Library, On-the spot reading, learning, photocopy, print, scan, METU gifts, yard, football table in the cafeteria
- 1148 Budapest Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9.
- Communication, Business, Tourism programs
- Bus, Trolley, Suburban Railway (Hév), Metro, Tram
Rózsa Street Campus
Art Library, Drink and Snack Vending machines
- 1077 Budapest Rózsa utca 4-6.
- Design and Graphics Program
- Bus, Trolley, Metro, Railway, Tram

Infopark D Campus
Workrooms, Studios and Specialized Classrooms
- 1117 Budapest, Gábor Dénes u. 2, INFOPARK D Building, 2ND Floor
- Media and Motion picture programs
- Bus, Tram
Classrooms and office spaces
- 1117 Budapest Infopark sétány 1., Infopark I building, 3. floor
- Art and Design Theory Programs
- Bus, Tram