Compulsory Internship for Business, Tourism and Communication Students


1. Completed, active semesters as the following:


Do not forget: you have to register for the "Internship subject" according to your curriculum!

We recommend this page to calculate the workdays:


If your Recommanded Curricullum included Internship I. and Internship II. Subject, we not suggest to take both of the subjects only in this two case:

  1. You have a job and have already completed or will complete the required number of working hours of Internship I. and Internship II. by the deadline.

  1. You have already completed the required number of working hours of Internship I. but you didn’t registered for the subject yet and you will complete the required number of working hours of Internship II. by the deadline in the acutal semester, or you have completed the required number of working hours of the two subjects simmultaniously and complete both of the subjects by the deadline in the actual semester.


Students who register for the internship subject in the 2024 autumn semester have to finish and administrate the Internship latest until the 6th of December, 2024.

ADMINISTRATION TYPE 1. CONTRACT between the company and the university for the duration of the internsip

Choose this type of administration if you are only work for the duration of your traineeship. In this case, the company must have made a framework agreement with the University. Please read the following lines, because one mistake can cause a lot bigger one!

If have you registered for the Internhsip subject in the 2024/25 autumn semester you need to finish the Internship by the 6th of December, 2024.

Step 1.1: Letter of Intent

We can only accept your papers if you bring them us or send them to us at least 10 working days before the start of the internship!

  1. Please print out 3 hard copies of the Declaration of Intent
  2. Fill them out and get them signed and stamped by the Company
  3. Bring them personaly in opening hoursor send the three original form to the CareerCenter 

Mailing address: 1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király street 1-9.

Please write on the envelope: myBRAND and TRAINING CENTER – CareerCenter F-212

Step 1.2.: Cooperation Agreement

We can only accept your application if you complete it in Neptun at least 10 working days before the start of the internship!

  1. Please fill in the Agreement in NEPTUN following the How to submit the Cooperation Agreement step-by-step
  2. Please note that a job contract has to be made between the place of the Internship and the Student. You do not need to submit it to METU – manage the administration with your employer.

Based on the completed Cooperation Agreement request, a contract will be sent to your employer (if it has not already been signed), and your internship will be considered complete when this document reaches the CareerCentre office. Please indicate this to your employer!

2. Evaluation of Internship - Deadline: December 6, 2024

  1. At the end of the Internship, send the Evaluation of Internship to your supervisor via e-mail and ask your supervisor to complete the questionnaire online.
  2. The last page of the questionnaire should be printed, signed and stamped by the supervisor.
  3. Upload the printed, signed, stamped Evaluation of Internship to the NEPTUN, as the attachment of the Cooperation Agreement. 

3. Internship Essay - Deadline: December 6, 2024

  1. Write an essay following the Internship Essay Guidelines
  2. Only essays following the guidelines can be acceptable.
  3. Upload your essay to NEPTUN following the Uploading the Essay on Internship step-by-step

4. Student Questionnaire on Internship - Deadline: December 6, 2024

  1. Fill in the Student Questionnaire on Internship at the end of the Internship. The questionnaire shall be filled in and submitted online.

For assistance please, contact us here.

ADMINISTRATION TYPE 2. CONTRACT between the student job agency and the university for the duration of the internsip

Choose this type of administration if you are only work for a company for the duration of your traineeship through a Student Job Agency. In this case, the Student Job Agency must have made a framework agreement with the University. Please read the following lines, because one mistake can cause a lot bigger one!

If have you registered for the Internhsip subject in the 2024/25 autumn semester you need to finish the Internship by the 6th of December, 2024.

1. Framework Agreement – 2 steps (Declaration of Intent and Cooperation Agreement)

Step 1.1: Letter of Intent

We can only accept your papers if you bring them us or send them to us at least 10 working days before the start of the internship!

  1. Please print out 3 hard copies of the Declaration of Intent - Student Job Agency Certificate
  2. Fill them out and get them signed and stamped by the Company
  3. Bring them personaly in opening hours or send the three original form to the CareerCenter 

Mailing address: 1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király street 1-9.

Please write on the envelope: myBRAND and TRAINING CENTER – CareerCenter F-212

Step 1.2.: Cooperation Agreement

We can only accept your application if you complete it in Neptun at least 10 working days before the start of the internship!

  1. Please fill in the Cooperation Agreement request in NEPTUN with the Student Job Agency’s datas, following the How to submit the Cooperation Agreement step-by-step
  2. Please note that a job contract has to be made between the place of the Internship and the Student. You do not need to submit it to METU – manage the administration with your employer.

Based on the completed Cooperation Agreement request, a contract will be sent to your Student Job Agency (if it has not already been signed), and your internship will be considered complete when this document reaches the CareerCentre office. Please indicate this to your employer!

2. Evaluation of Internship - Deadline: December 6, 2024

  1. At the end of the Internship, send the Evaluation of Internship to your supervisor via e-mail and ask your supervisor to complete the questionnaire online.
  2. The last page of the questionnaire should be printed, signed and stamped by the supervisor.
  3. Upload the printed, signed, stamped Evaluation of Internship to the NEPTUN, as the attachment of the Cooperation Agreement. 

3. Internship Essay - Deadline: December 6, 2024

  1. Write an essay following the Internship Essay Guidelines
  2. Only essays following the guidelines can be acceptable.
  3. Upload your essay to NEPTUN following the Uploading the Essay on Internship step-by-step

4. Student Questionnaire on Internship - Deadline: December 6, 2024

  1. Fill in the Student Questionnaire on Internship at the end of the Internship. The questionnaire shall be filled in and submitted online.

For assistance please, contact us here.


Choose this type of administration if you have a registered employment contract.

The request is available from the subject registration by the finishing deadline the 6th of December, 2024.

The request will be evaluated after the given deadline. You are going to receive a notification about the decision by a Neptun system message. 

You can start this process only in that semester when you have registered for the "Internship" subject.

Your job will be accepted as an internship if: 

  1. your job is related to your major,
  2. the number of fulfilled working hours reaches the compulsory internship requirement,
  3. your job contract is not older than 1 year. 

Administration process:

  1. In NEPTUN please submit a "Request for consideration of current employment".
  2. Please, follow the How to submit the Request for consideration of current employment step-by-step to submit the request.
  3. Upload this form: Employer's Certificate or Employer's – Student Job Agency Certificate
  4. If your request is accepted, you will get a grade for the internship.
  5. If your request is rejected, please contact the CareerCenter!

For assistance please, contact us here.