Stroll to Selmec!

The University of Sopron announces the "Stroll to Selmec" program. All university students, lecturer and university stuff can join the program!
Students often arrived at the old Alma Mater in Selmec on foot. In honor of their memory, we encourage you to collect steps between 1-31 October 2024. The main building of the University of Sopron and the main building of the old Selmec Academy are located 262 km apart by road, which means ~355,405 steps to take. With an intensity of 11,464 steps/person/day, we could even get there in one month (10,000 steps/day supports our health). Based on the number of registered steps a carbon footprint will be calculated: How much carbon emission is spared with walking? Note: we are asking that members of official hiking association or competitive athletes do not participate in this competition, because the main goal of the program is to assign sport to everyday life.
How to register and participate in the program:
1. Install a pedometer application on your mobile phone or smart device (e.g. Pedometer app, free of charge)
2. Start the pedometer as soon as possible in October 2023 (setting: run the application continuously in the background)!
3. Upload all your step numbers for October by self-declaration on this registration interface by November 14, 2024, at the latest.
At the same time as you register, you will also upload your step numbers. Steps collected in October must be registered in November.
Only justified steps amounts will the granted with prizes.
Prizes (incoming more prizes):
2 pcs baseball caps with the logo of University of SopronXDRK
1 pcs sport bag with the logo of University of SopronXDRK
3 pcs T-shirts with SMAFC logo
RAJI Ukemi Fitness training tickets (in Sopron)
űThe program is organized by the Green University Concept of the University of Sopron and the national green university initiatives. - You can ask your questions here: - Professional coordinator: University of Sopron, Faculty of Forest Engineering, Herman Ottó Vocational College,