Exam Period in Hungary | Final Exam Schedule | METU

The exam period can be a stressful and intense chapter of the year. It’s essential to start studying as soon as possible, so you need to be aware of registration dates and deadlines. If you begin to learn on the first day of the exam period, you might find yourself in a scheduling problem.
So, let’s prepare in time!
Different Universities, Different Academic Calendars
Most universities hold their exam periods on different dates, but mostly there are only a few day differences between institutes. It is important to check your university’s academic calendar and find the correct dates. Some universities also have re-examination periods (right after the exam session).
You can follow different strategies: do your exams A.S.A.P. and get yourself a long holiday (which has the biggest risk of failing exams), or do one exam every week. It also depends on the number of tests.
The expected workload of students in higher education in Hungary is expressed in terms of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. During the year, you need to get 60 credits (30 credits/semester) in order to continue your studies according to the prescribed curriculum.
Find our academic calendar here.

Midterm Exams at METU
Midterm exams tend to happen in the middle of an academic year. This fall, the study period lasts from the 13th of September until the 26th of November (for art programs), or until the 10th of December (for non-art programs).
The exam registration starts on the 23rd of November. You can apply for the exams in Neptun. For art programs, there is a practical exam week between 6th December 2021 and 15th January 2022. The examination period is between 13th December 2021 and 22nd January 2022. In case of failing, students are able to attend the retake examination week. Registration for the retake exam period lasts from 17th January to 28th January. We hold our re-exam period between 24th January and 29th January.
What is the Final Exam Schedule at METU?
The exam registration period starts on the 3rd of May, 2022.
For art programs, the practical exam week is between the 16th of May 2022 and the 4th of June 2022.
The examination period (which takes 5 weeks) is between 23th May and 25th June.
After that, METU holds a retake examination week between 27th June and 2nd July. You need to registrate for retake exams in Neptun too, between the 20th of June and the 1st of July.

Exam Period F.A.Q.
We collected the most asked questions about the exam period.
How to registrate for exams?
Registration for your exams is mandatory (you cannot attend a test without registering through the Neptun system). First, login into Neptun, then click “Exam registration” in the “Exams” menu. You can now filter the available exams by subject.
How to modify the exam dates?
If you can’t make it to an exam, you have to deregister at least 24 hours before the test, or you will be charged an absence fee. First, you have to deregister, and then find another date that suits you.
How many exams can you take during the exam period?
In one examination period, you can try to pass every subject 3 times. Retaken exams mean that you will be charged additional fees. You won’t be able to registrate for a new test until you settle your debts. Of course, you can retake a passed exam too in order to improve your grade.
Read more about our procedural rates.
What if you fail to pass a course?
You can try again next semester! If you are not able to pass a subject after 6 tries, you get dismissed from that course by law