About the Hungarian Education System

About the Hungarian Education System
Hungarian higher education and universities are becoming more and more popular among international students looking to study abroad.
Given the country’s amazing location in the heart of Europe, its vibrant and quickly developing capital city, Budapest, the affordable living costs and tuition fees, it is no wonder that Hungary attracts around ten thousand foreign students from all over the world in any given year.
Here is all you need to know about higher education system in Hungary and what is it like to study in Hungary!

The levels of the Hungarian Education System
Education in Hungary is compulsory for all children between the ages of 3 to 16.
While creche (in Hungarian bölcsöde) is available for children aged below the age of 3, kids are required to enroll at kindergarten (óvoda) at the age of 3, where they receive professional day care and basic education preparing them for school.
In Hungary, school starts with ‘basic’ schools (általános iskola), which usually covers primary and lower secondary education, grades 1 to 8. Students graduating from basic school can continue their education for another 4 years in the public education system, either at general secondary schools (gimnázium), vocational secondary schools (szakközépiskola) or vocational schools (szakmunkásképző iskola). There are also some general secondary schools that offer longer programs, starting from Grade 5 or 7.
The government finances all levels of education for children at institutions of the public education system until the age of 18.
After the age of 18, students can continue their studies at programs of public or private higher education institutions, or they can also enroll in adult education and training programs in both the public and private sector.
Higher Education System in Hungary
European Higher Education Area and Bologna degree structure
Hungary is part of the European Higher Education Area and the Bologna Process since 1999, the international collaboration through which countries and institutions continuously adapt their higher education systems making them more compatible and strengthening their quality assurance mechanisms. Thanks to this, Hungarian degrees are internationally recognized and accredited.
As other institutions of the European Higher Education Area, Hungary has a multi-cycle educational system, with bachelor’s, master’s and post-grad cycles. In addition to receiving a valuable degree and education, students studying in Hungary also have numerous mobility opportunities, and gain a competitive advantage in terms of employability.
Study fields in Hungary
Hungarian higher education institutions offer a wide range of study fields. Some of the most popular fields among foreign students studying in Hungary include medical and health science, business and economy, engineering and social sciences.
There are many Hungarian universities and programs with great international reputation, and the number of opportunities to study in English is steadily increasing at every level.
The Credit System - How does it work in Hungary?
Hungary uses the common credit transfer and accumulation system of European higher education institutions, ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).
The workload of higher education students in Hungary is expressed in terms of ECTS credits. Credits are numerical values allocated to the courses to describe the workload required to complete them. They reflect the quantity of work each module requires in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study at the institution, that are, lectures, practical work, seminars, private work - in the laboratory, library or at home - and examinations or other assessment activities.
In ECTS, 60 credits represent one year of study in terms of workload. Normally 30 credits are given for six months (a semester), and each credit represents 28 hours of work. ECTS credits are also allocated to work placements and to thesis preparation when these activities form a part of the regular program of study at both the home and host institutions.
Tuition fees in the Hungarian Education System
Hungarian universities offer affordable options for studying abroad with a wide selection of English-speaking programs.
While international students are required to pay tuition fees at both state-funded and private universities, these fees are much lower than those of Western-European universities, which can easily cost over 10,000 Euros per year.
Tuition fees at Hungarian universities can vary depending on the institution and the program: programs in the field of business or social sciences will cost about 4,000-6,000 Euros per year, engineering and art programs may be a bit pricier, and studying medicine and dentistry can cost around 8,000-10,000 Euros per year (however, tuition fees of these programs are exponentially higher elsewhere as well).
Scholarships in Hungary
An amazing benefit of studying in Hungary is that it also enables international students to apply for Erasmus+ programs funded by the European Union.
With the Erasmus+ Student Mobility exchange program, students can participate in one or two semester-long exchange programs at European partner universities, during which they receive 470 to 520 Euro fixed scholarship per month.
Students can also participate in an Erasmus+ Traineeship Mobility, through which they can spend 2-12 months with completing their traineeship at companies, small-enterprises, research institutes or higher education institutions abroad. Erasmus+ trainees also receive a scholarship of 570 to 620 Euro per month, in addition to the salary received at the traineeship placement.
International students can also apply for scholarships such as Stipendium Hungaricum or CEEPUS.
Find out more about available scholarships and grants at Budapest Metropolitan University!
The problems with the education system
Like many other countries from Eastern and Central Europe, Hungary is sometimes criticized for its often frontal teaching methods. Many educational institutions are not yet able to catch up with modern educational trends – traditional lectures focusing on facts instead of practical tasks, group work and experiential learning leaves little room for development of much needed skills.
Luckily, this is not necessarily true for all Hungarian institutions and programs. At Budapest Metropolitan University, the focus of education is on practical lessons and projects that help our students gain key skills and real experience. In accordance with the international trends, the university has pioneered to transform its educational system and introduced myBRAND, a unique portfolio-based training method as the first of its kind in the country in 2017.
Study in Hungary!
Make the most of your university years by choosing Hungary: come and study in the heart of Europe, in vibrant and international Budapest with affordable tuition fees and living costs, and get an internationally recognized degree!