V4 Summer School záró esemény
Érdekelnek napjaink globális kihívásai a Visegrádi Csoport szemüvegén át?
Ha igen, itt az alkalom, vegyél részt a V4 Nyári Egyetemén, amelyet a Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem szervez cseh, lengyel és szlovák egyetemi partnereivel 2021. augusztus 27-én, a virtuális térben!
Az eseményre jelentkezni az alábbi mail címen lehet: project@metropolitan.hu
Az esemény programja:
10.00 - 10.05 Welcome speech
Richárd Izmindi, head of the Institute for Social Sciences and International Studies
10.05 - 11.00 Keynote speech
Péter Rada, associate professor, University of Public Service Ludovika
Students can raise questions and make comment/notes, etc. (student’s interactions)
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee break
11.15 - 12.00 Panel discussion: 1991-2021: 30 years of V4 cooperation
- Dániel Bartha, Director of Foreign Affairs, Equilibrium
- Piort Celinski, professor, UMCS
- Lenka Tkac-Zabakova, senior lecturer, Constantine the Philosopher University of Nitra
- Eva Taterová, Masaryk University (tbc)
moderator: Péter Stepper, senior lecturer of the University of Public Service Ludovika
Students can raise questions and make comment/notes, etc. (student’s interactions)
12.00 - 12.30 Lunch break
12.30 - 13.30 Presentation of student groups
- Budapest Metropolitan University
- Mendel University in Brno
- Constantine the Philosopher University of Nitra
- Maria Curie-Sklodowska University of Lublin
13.30 - 14.00 Evaluation of the presentations and feedback circle
Moderator: László Vass, rector emeritus, Budapest Metropolitan University
Vilmos Vass, associate professor of methodological studies, Budapest Metropolitan University
Students can give feedbacks on the presentations in order to strenghten collaborative assessment
14.00 Closing remarks
István Vilmos Kovács, vice-rector for international relations, Budapest Metropolitan University
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