Welcome to the FORESIGHT Project Portal!
Short description:
This project is about improving the link between higher education and employers (profit and non-profit), thereby increasing the fit between the skills of students and the needs of employers. It is strongly driven by the needs of employers. Employers currently lack employees with foresight skills, making them less successful in their business. This project is to develop courses that enable students to learn and stimulate skills and competences to carry out foresight studies and apply them in innovation processes. Foresight is not an ability to predict the future, but an act of looking forward, by analyzing trends, signals of change and movements. Foresight is the study (= Futures Research) on possible, probable and preferable futures.
These courses will improve the ‘futures consciousness' and ‘future orientation’ of students by teaching them how to connect the Grand Societal Challenges (GSC) with innovation processes by using foresight. The desire and need to develop a more societal responsible way of business development is quite pervasive in our society. Foresight is of high importance for profit and non-profit organizations because it stimulates the ability to react quickly on changes and improves innovation processes. To address these desires and needs we have to teach students these knowledge and skills as soon as possible in the educational career of people which makes students the most relevant target group, stakeholders, and co-creators of this project.
Output will be, amongst others, 1 innovative educational module with 5 courses (5 ECTS in total), a platform to distribute the modules and a teachers manual to facilitate effective implementation. Students' knowledge and skills will be enhanced by the module to be developed. In addition, an instrument which monitors the increase of future consciousness and orientation of the students involved, will be developed.
By involving both Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and organizations (Profit and Non-Profit) from various industries and countries, we establish an exchange of knowledge which supports meaningful innovation and focused creativity. The local partnerships between HE and employers will increase the relevance of skills taught and will strengthen the role of HE locally. This exchange will enable a trans-disciplinary approach.
The material will be published on this digital platform with open access. The platform will be available even after the project and will be further developed with new insights of new study groups.
Founded by Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Educational and Social Services Foundation, Istanbul Commerce University accepted students for the first time in year 2001. It is one of the first non-profit private universities of Turkey. Istanbul Commerce University, located in the heart of Istanbul; one of the leading cultural capitals of the world, continues to its educational journey with the awareness of the responsibility of bringing the scientific, historical and cultural inheritance of millennial to the future.
Thanks to the quality of its teaching programs and instructors, as well as technical equipment and the future vision offered to its students, thirteen years later our student count reached 7 thousand, taught by a faculty of over 300, in contrast to just 73 students in the beginning. The reputation ICU achieved within a short time is only reinforced with hundreds of international and national publications each year. Various awards accorded and events organized only lead to further heights.
A most crucial characteristic that helps ICU stand out with excellent qualities is its location in the central and select parts of Istanbul, one of the cultural capitals of the world. The location of Istanbul Commerce University at the heart of Istanbul allows it to keep the pulse of the contemporary world, to keep its vision open for the world and the future, to bring national as well as global culture, science, arts and economics together, providing the university with an active, innovative and pioneering perspective.
Istanbul Commerce University reaches forward to provide a universal education, encouraging integration without severing the theory and practice from the facts of life, providing sufficient professional qualifications, instilling an awareness of scientific and technological developments. ICU not only offers its students the chance to receive part of their education abroad through exchange programs, but also accepts exchange students from abroad, in order to provide its students an international environment at home.
Istanbul Commerce University represents a perspective of responsibility towards new horizons illuminated, grasping the age on the basis of its own geography and values of civilization with an inquisitive mind. Istanbul Commerce University considers its students as individuals who are capable of shouldering the responsibility of the society and age one lives in. Students at ICU are equipped with practical skills at global standards, to complement principles and values to be instilled throughout the term of education. Istanbul Commerce University raises not only academically capable graduates, but only prospective employees for public and private organizations and entities, thanks to educational programs enabling students to establish connections with the business world as well. Istanbul Commerce University furthers its scientific contributions through national and international research, projects, and publications, while raising and developing the prototypes of qualified human resources required by the country, making full use of the information technologies. ICU continuously revises and updates its academic programs and innovates itself, in order to monitor, interpret and try science and technology at an international scale, and to contribute to the society.
With its 44,000 students, 4,300 members of staff and a range of courses covering almost every sector, Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Fontys UAS) is one of the largest institutions for higher education in the Netherlands. The 31 schools teach approximately 100 bachelor degree courses in the variants full-time, part-time, sandwich and in-service. In addition, 31 master degree variants are available, as well as 10 Associate degrees. Of these, 17 courses are offered in English. Of the total of 57 minors, 16 are taught in English and 1 in German. The number of registered students of non-Dutch nationality rose in 2010 to 5,088, in addition to 169 registered incoming exchange students. Fontys is a foundation where the organisation structure is based around the processes:
• Administration: the Executive Board represents the competent authority and acts as the unit responsible for results, answering to the Board of Governors.
• Primary process: each of the 31 schools focusses at their own market segment. The schools undertake the core activities (education, research and contract activities) on behalf of Fontys.
• Support: the eight services provide support activities for education, research and contract activities.
Fontys Academy for Creative Industries (Fontys ACI) is part of Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Fontys ACI, located in Tilburg has 2,600 students working towards a bachelor of Business Administration (International Event, Music & Entertainment Studies and Digital Business Concepts), a Bachelor of Communication (International Event, Music & Entertainment Studies) or a Bachelor of Arts (International Lifestyle Studies). Fontys ACI hosts a staff of approximately 180 (teachers plus support staff) as well as about 70 regular
visiting lecturers.
Fontys ACI trains students to create beautiful concepts, exciting concepts, touching concepts, concepts to improve our quality of life. Students get ready for an industry in which creativity is of the highest value to a product or service. Fontys ACI educates young people who feel at home in the (digital) world of entertainment and lifestyle, and understand that creativity can also mean business.
The main objective of ACI is to increase the employability of its students through education. ACI coaches students the capability to create and maintain their own employment worldwide. The creative industry wants and needs students who can cope with international challenges and function in an international setting. Redesigning and internationalising existing curricula as well as developing and implementing new ones can be carried out by converting existing expertise and by research. Research projects with partner universities for instance, provide the opportunity to gain new findings and to involve lecturers and students in the development of the study programmes. ACI has built up a strong network of partner universities previous years and signed bilateral agreements or Memorandum of Understandings for student and faculty exchange. The next step of sustainable partnerships are strategic collaboration projects. Such projects help Higher Education Institutes to innovate education and to implement new forms of internationalisation activities. By collaborating in projects students and lecturers can benefit from partner universities strengths, expertise and intercultural approach.
The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a teaching and research institution officially founded in 1985. The university employs over 7.000 people in 31 faculties and schools distributed in three different campuses, with a total of more than 50,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The UPV/EHU offers the highest number of doctorate programmes of all Spanish universities, one third of which have received a mention of excellence from the Spanish Ministry of Education. The UPV/EHU has been recognised recently as an International Research Campus of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Since the first Research Framework Programmes, the UPV/EHU has been very active and has participated in many collaborative projects and Marie Curie actions. With regards to the 7th Framework Programme, during the period 2007-2013, the University of the Basque Country has participated in 94 projects, has coordinated 22 of them and has been the beneficiary of 5 ERC Grants, amounting to more than 30 million Euros of financing from the FP7 programme, and more than 3 million Euros from other European or International Research Programmes. In Horizon2020, the new Research Framework Programme, the UPV/EHU has already been successful with 23 projects, including one ERC Advanced Grant, which so far has attracted a total sum of more than 7 million Euros in research financing.
As for Erasmus +, four projects have been granted to members of the University of the Basque Country in 2014 and two in 2015.
Karel de Grote University College is a large-scale Higher Education Institution in the northern part of Belgium. It is a high level institute with > 1100 staff , >13500 students and 16 bachelor's degrees, 4 bachelor after bachelor's, 9 postgraduates, 1 master after master's and 1 master's degree. Other educational programmes include: postgraduates, advanced bachelor's and International Degree Programme as well as 2 English exchange programmes. Founded in 1994, when 13 Catholic University Colleges in Antwerp merged into the Karel de Grote University College (KdG), it is now the biggest University College in the region.
Karel de Grote University College (KdG) supports sustainable development: for students, staff and society. In mutual interaction, based upon an inviting learning, living and working environment. To always get the best out of everyone, and to strive for excellence together. Driven by values, inspired by Christian principles, open to other ideologies.
Karel de Grote University College (KdG) creates challenging and motivating tailor-made learning contexts. For anyone who wants to develop into a professional with personality. We educate and guide our students so they discover and develop their talents, and acquire the necessary competences to deliver a contribution to society. Self-conscious, with a sense of responsibility and valued by society. We encourage our staff to continue to grow both on a personal and professional level. KdG is a versatile organization. We think ahead and have a feel for the dynamics of a rapidly changing global context. We share knowledge and invest in strong collaborations with our partners: thanks to these interactions and made-to-measure solutions our university college excels and innovates in (art) education, practice-oriented research and services.
Perspectives on Education:
Karel de Grote university college aims to give its students and staff members the opportunity to discover what their talents are and to further develop these talents. We strongly believe that team work allows both students and staff members to acquire competences – such as knowledge, skills, insight and attitudes – that are essential in a working context as well as in the broader context of our society. One of the most vital competences is, without a doubt, the ability to make an effort for those who, due to certain circumstances, are not able to fully develop their talents.
Budapest Metropolitan University is the largest state-recognized, privately owned higher education institution in Hungary, with around 6500 students, 125 teachers/professors and 149 non-teaching staff. It has 4 campuses in Budapest. All of the educational buildings are fully equipped with modern teaching facilities. It has a wide range of bachelor and master studies in business, marketing, arts, media, communication and tourism fields.
METU is one of the most important HEI in tourism in Hungary, has many renowned teachers, professors and prestigious researchers. It has wide international network and relations and strongly emphasizes the expansion of professional network as well as the exploitation of potential of social capital.
Over the past years METU has participated in several national and international research and implemented a number of research & development projects (Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus Academic Network, Central Europe, etc.) in cooperation with other HEI-s, research centres and organisations.
News, events
- 03.06.2021
How will our world look like in the future? Foresight project ended
- 27.01.2020 - 31.01.2020 FORESIGHT
Training on Creative thinking and change management at KDG in Antwerp with 100 students from 5 countries
- 25.11.2019 - 29.11.2019.
Teach the teacher training and project meeting, Tilburg, The Nederlands
Video of the event:
- 03.07.2019. ProjectMeeting, Budapest
- 30.11.2018. Kickoff meeting, Tilburg, The Netherlands
The first kick off meeting of the project "Foresight- FUTURE ORIENTED EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS INCORPORATING GSC IN HIGH-PACED TIMES" was held between 29.11.2018 - 30.11.2018. The project will be jointly implemented by a consortium of universities that include Istanbul Commerce University, Fontys University, UPV/EHU: University of the Basque Country, Karel De Grote University Antwerpen, and Budapest Metropolitan University.