Mecenatúra Project – METU-ASU Geopolitical Series II.

Mecenatúra Project – METU-ASU Geopolitical Series II.

Az esemény adatai

Esemény kezdete

2025. 04. 09. 08:30

Esemény vége

2025. 04. 10. 16:30


Budapest Metropolitan University - 1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9.

Budapest Metropolitan University cordially invites you for an International conference on Geopolitics and globalization in International Relations. This is the second instalment of METU-ASU Geopolitical Series, which has already been organized once in Phoenix, Arizona in 2024.


9-10 April 2025


Budapest Metropolitan University

1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9.

Participation is free of charge, but pre-liminary registration is required. RSVP here.


Program: Day 1 on 9th April 2025

08:30-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:30 Welcome speech

Prof. Tamás Kucsera, Budapest Metropolitan University

(online streaming)

09:30-10:30 Keynote speech

Dr. István Gyarmati, Secretary General, Hungarian Atlantic Council (online streaming)

10.30-10:45 Coffee break

10:45-12:45 METU-ASU Geopolitical Series workshop II

Güneş Murat Tezcür, Director, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University

Shrivin Zeinalzadeh, Graduate Teaching Associate, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University

Kirstin Cochran, Grad Teaching Associate, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University

Victor Peskin, Associate Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies, Arizona State University

Péter Rada, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Budapest Metropolitan University

Viktor Friedmann, Dean of Faculty of Business, Communication and Tourism, Budapest Metropolitan University

Moderator: Péter Stepper, Senior Advisor, Budapest Metropolitan University

12:45-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:30 Think-tank panel on Global Politics  

Dr. Gladden J. Pappin, President, Hungarian Institute of International Affairs

Rodrigo Ballester, Head of the Centre for European Studies, Mathias Corvinus College (tbc)

Carlos Roa, Danube Institute (tbc)

Scott Cullinane, Director of Government Affairs at Razom for Ukraine

Anton Bendarzsevszkij, Director, Oeconomus

Moderator: Dr. Viktor Friedmann, Budapest Metropolitan University

14:00-16:30 Academic panel on Global Politics

Dr. Krisztián Manzinger, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

Prof. Anna Molnár, full professor, Ludovika Public Service University

Dr. Szabolcs Pásztor, Oeconomus

Dr. Michele Pigliucci, associate professor, Link Campus University

Prof. David Vauclair, professor, ILERI School of International Relations

Prof. Martin Kreeb, Rector, University of Sustainability, Vienna

Moderator: György Mudri, Budapest Metropolitan University

16:30-17:30 Reception

Program: Day 2 on 10th April 2025

08:30-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:45 Welcome speech

Dr. habil. Péter Rada, vice-rector, Budapest Metropolitan University

09:45-10:45 Keynote lecture

Jason F. Emert, chairman of the Young Republican National Federation

10:45-11:15 Coffee break

11:15-13:00 PhD student Panel on Global politics

Viktória Tujner, Ludovika Public Service University

Klementina Kozma, Ludovika Public Service University

Nikolai Donkov, Vasil Levski National Military University 

Kamaliev Georgi, Vasil Levski National Military University

Simon Szilvási, Ludovika Public Service University

Zsombor Zeöld, Corvinus University of Budapest

Réka Bogár, Corvinus University of Budapest

Laura Nyilas, Ludovika Public Service University

Melek Adsiz, Ludovika Public Service University

Moderator: Dr. Gergely Guszmann, Metropolitan University

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-16:00 MA student Panel on Global Politics

Áron Bálint, Ludovika Public Service University

Eszter Szenes, Ludovika Public Service University

Boglárka Gyöngyösi, Ludovika Public Service University

Márkó Mézám, Ludovika Public Service University

Marcell Molnár, Ludovika Public Service University

Soma Székely, Ludovika Public Service University

Csanád Kiss, Ludovika Public Service University

Moderator: Dr. Péter Stepper, Budapest Metropolitan University

16:00-16:30 ‘How to live together?’ Essential concepts of our everyday existence analyzed by social sciences. Research report and film screening by the Caring Society Research Group of Budapest Metropolitan University

16:30-17:00 Closing remarks

Dr. habil. Péter Rada, vice-rector, Budapest Metropolitan University

This conference is organized in the framework of a Mecenatúra project (#MEC_24_149346) financed from the NRDI Fund.