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Cristina Ganusciac / Animation BA

Thanks to the international program METU offers, you’ll meet wonderful people who will help you grow in more ways than you'll expect. 


Cristina Ganusciac studied Animation at METU. She loved drawing and making stories since she was a kid, and the moment she learned that she could combine those passions to reach others a whole new world opened for her. She is continuing her studies in this field and planning to complete a master’s degree. 


Why did you choose this field, this major and what inspires you? 

It’s hard to pinpoint a single reason why animation is so fascinating to me. I’ve loved drawing and making stories since I was a kid, and the moment I learned that I could combine those passions to reach others a whole new world opened for me. However, choosing this major was not easy because at that time there were no opportunities to learn animation in my country, but I couldn’t see myself enjoying something else as much as it, so I had to push through. Since animation is such a broad subject, I’m confident that I can never become bored of it, and on the contrary, I constantly find processes that inspire me to explore and experiment more. 


What were your favourite projects at METU and why? 

During my first year at METU, we had a task to make a 30 second animation using only morphing techniques. I decided to make it about Alice’s Dreamland, which gave me the possibility to not only play with movement but also use it to elevate the fantasy element.  

Another project I really enjoyed working on was a concept art task we were given in our second year. I had an entire semester to explore a character and her companion, an antagonist, and the world they live in, which was exciting because it helped me push my style further while still making it my own. 



What was your diploma work and why did you choose this topic? 

My diploma project was “Locked”, a short film about an art-blocked painter who finds herself in a bath house for spirits. It’s a meaningful story about people and the impact they have on our lives, inspired by some of my own experiences. I chose this topic because I wanted to keep the core of the film relatable for most people, even if everything else seems out of this world. At the same time, it is an exploration of some of my own fears and feelings, and while I was working on it together with my team I learned just as much about myself as I did about the process of making a project of this scale from scratch. Now, it feels incredibly satisfying to be able to say that this passion project of mine finally exists and that I can move on and continue making stories. 



What did METU contribute to your professional development? 

One of my favorite things at METU is the fact that I had the opportunity to not only work with the 2D medium, but also 3Dand even stop motion. Being able to explore these different mediums together with my classmates and gain insight from them, as well as all my teachers, helped me grow a lot more in these 3 years than if I had tried to figure everything out by myself. 


What does METU’s credo “Inspired by Creativity” mean to you? 

Being in a space where creativity is encouraged, surrounded by people with different visions and the same goal of creating something, makes me inspired to do the same. 


What would you say to those who want to apply to a university, why choose METU? 

METU is great for all those who want to experience animation from a lot of different angles and find their own place in this field. Just like me, you’ll have the opportunity to experiment with different techniques, learn from professionals and, thanks to the international program METU offers, you’ll meet wonderful people who will help you grow in more ways than you'll expect. 


What are your plans for the future? 

I am continuing my studies in this field and planning to complete a master’s degree. Meanwhile, I am excited to keep working on my own projects as well as help bring other creatives' visions to life. 


Take your next step at METU’s bachelors' program – get to know our Animation BA program!